professional membership:


Matt Larsson-Clifford

Sweden Outdoors Coaching is owned and run by Matt Larsson-Clifford.  Matt has been instructing, guiding, teaching, coaching and leading groups in the Great Outdoors for the last 30 years and is driven by his passion for working with people and groups in challenging outdoor environments. Prior to his career in the military, Matt worked in the outdoor industry and gained a Diploma in Outdoor Activities, a BEd Honours Teaching Degree in Outdoor Education and many high-level qualifications in coaching, risk management, mountaineering, skiing, kayaking, sea kayaking, open canoeing, bushcraft and survival. Check out his profile on LinkedIn for more details.

Matt retired from the Royal Air Force (RAF) as one of the leading specialists in Adventurous Training, a Survival Rescue Officer and as a Fellow of the Institute in Leadership and Management, and his final position was as the Commanding Officer of the largest Outdoor Training Centre in the RAF. During his time in this position, he designed, developed and led a variety of overseas annual expeditions, which still today, exposes more than 1000 RAF personnel a year, to the personal, team and leadership benefits of Adventurous Training; including Ski Touring and Mountaineering in the Alps, Wilderness Open Canoeing in Sweden, Sea Kayaking in Scandinavia and Nordic Ski Touring in Sweden and Norway. He was also privileged to have led expeditions throughout Europe, Africa, USA and Canada.

On leaving the RAF in 2013, Matt moved with his family to Sweden where he set up 'Sweden Outdoors Coaching' and has worked as a consultant coach/guide for: the RAF, the British Army, the United Arab Emirates Military, Human Behavioural Performance Training (HBP Trg), Pro Noctis Performance Coaching, Leeds Met University, UK-based Education Academies, UK-based Charitable Trusts, The Swedish Canoe Federation, Swedish Outdoor Leader Groups, Various Swedish Adventure Tourism Colleges, The Adventure Activities Licensing Service,   Swedish Nature Colleges, Various Canoe Clubs, Radio P4 Västernorrland, Ray Mears Woodlore, the United Kingdom International Search and Rescue Team (UKISAR Wales), Titan Airways as a Safety Consultant in Antarctica and various private groups and individuals. He is currently chairman of the Swedish International Sea Kayak Guides Association (SISKGA) and is the UIMLA Representative for Svenskafjälledare Organisation, where he was responsible for the introduction of the International Mountain Leader (IML) course to Sweden and continues to train and assess Swedish International Mountain Leaders.

Matt continues to use and develop his high-level qualifications and experience to develop individuals and teams in the outdoors, both in the mountains, forests and on the rivers and sea.  He rigorously conforms to the British Standard 8848 (BS8848) to ensure that your safety whilst on course/expedition is paramount and that all risks are thoroughly assessed to ensure a high quality, enjoyable and memorable experience. 

He looks forward to sharing 'Fika' (Swedish Coffee and Snack) with you soon!


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Consultancy Work


Matt currently works as a consultant for the following companies and organisations:


our logo

The safe travel bind rune

‘RAIDO’ is the rune for:
Travel, taking charge, being in control, initiative, adventure, decision-making, direction, the right path, the inner compass, leadership, moral responsibility, integrity, respect for the rights of others…. ‘The journey is the destination’
‘ALGIZ’ is the rune which is considered the most powerful rune of protection….
‘Fear has its place in every heart. Courage is only a response’ 
When combined, Raido and Algiz make the bind Rune for SAFE TRAVEL.