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Other Services

These are truly bespoke services which blends Matts experience and background both
in the Outdoors and as a Developmental Trainer.

These are truly bespoke services which blends Matts experience and background both in the Outdoors and as a Developmental Trainer.

“Difficulties are just things to overcome after all”

Ernest Shackleton.

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•Who: Regardless of your position within an organisation leadership is critical in all of our lives. Before we can lead others, we must learn to lead ourselves, therefore this course can be focussed at every population, regardless of the hierarchy. Ultimately, the focus is to develop and improve output within your organisation.

•What: This is a bespoke course which will be reflective of you or your organisations needs. To put the perfect course together, we will need to undertake a Training Needs Analysis to correctly establish the Wants/Needs of your group. Our unique approach using the Outdoors provides a very powerful medium for drawing out the leader in you through practical learning experiences where it is impossible to play the ‘greyman’. Once the practical course is complete, we will conduct follow-up training and review to really complete the learning journey and make a difference in your output.

•Where: Worldwide.

•How long: As required.

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•Who: This can range from the individual through to larger teams who recognise their need for development.

•What: Coaching creates opportunity for learning, development and reflection. We can develop a suitable package in a range of outdoor activities to help you move forward with your Technical, Tactical, Physiological and Pyschological ability to suceed.

•Where: Worldwide.

•How long: As required.

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Safety Consultancy

•Who: If your Organisation is unfamiliar with working in Austere environments such as Mountains, Water, Forest etc then we can help manage the risk to an acceptable and ‘doable’ level.

•What: This is bespoke training, safety cover and assurance to provide your organisation with the confidence and security to be able to undertake your main task and focus on your objectives. Alternatively, we can provide the safety cover required.

•Where: Worldwide.

•How long: As required.

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Family/Group Adventures

•Who: Families/Friends/Groups!

•What: We can develop a truly bespoke family adventure here in the Wilds of Sweden! Having your own guide/coach for a weeks holiday can lead to independence in the future, rewarding and memorable family experiences which may just not be possible otherwise.

•Where: Sweden. We also have our own accommodation and have run various ‘Multi-Activity’ packages from Kävstabacken in the Indalsälven Valley both in Winter and in Summer.

•How long: 1-7 days.

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Sweden Outdoors Coaching specialises in delivering both ready-made and bespoke outdoor Courses, Expeditions and Adventures.


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