Swedish Expeditions

Sweden is blessed with both amazing coastline, rivers and lakes, an absolute mecca for those of you who paddle Seakayak, Whitewater Kayak or Open Canoe. CONTACT US about your own dream trip or for more information.

Diseño sin título 81

Hårkan Descent

•What: The Hårkan starts it journey in the Norwegian mountains before carving its way through hills and forests to Lit in Jämtland where it meets the Indalsälven 140km later. It is a classic journey to make with the Open Canoe where all traditional skills can be used whilst wild camping for the entirety of the trip. You will also develop skills in making shelters, cooking over open fires, fishing and developing a whole new range of bushcraft/survival skills.

•Season: May-September

•How long: 5-10 days dependent upon your start point.

Diseño sin título 82

Höga Kusten Experience

•What: The Höga Kusten is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is an amazing location for a Seakayaking expedition. Paddle amongst cliffs, seabirds, forest before landing on pristine sand beaches, or warm flat rocks to enjoy an unforgettable nights camping. The archipelago provides shelter when required, but also offers the opportunity to visit some truly spectacular islands on route including Högbonden, Mjältön and Ulvön. If the weather gods are kind, we might even get a chance to paddle the full length of the Höga Kusten from Härnosand to Örnholdsvik!

•Season: May-September

•How long: 5-10 days dependent upon your start point.


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The safe travel bind rune

‘RAIDO’ is the rune for:
Travel, taking charge, being in control, initiative, adventure, decision-making, direction, the right path, the inner compass, leadership, moral responsibility, integrity, respect for the rights of others…. ‘The journey is the destination’
‘ALGIZ’ is the rune which is considered the most powerful rune of protection….
‘Fear has its place in every heart. Courage is only a response’ 
When combined, Raido and Algiz make the bind Rune for SAFE TRAVEL.